By Angie Guerra

What is a best friend?  A person you know will always support you, no matter what choices you make in life without judgement.  A best friend is the person you call when you’re happy or when you need a shoulder to cry on.  A best friend is someone you call family.

Your best friend is someone who understands you.  They know your strengths and weaknesses and they offer just enough input to keep you true to your word.  Best friends are your most trusted allies.

Best friends show up.

If you experience a loss, trauma, break-up, illness or financial stress in your life, your best friend is the one who shows up, no matter what! Best friends are the people who welcome you into their home without asking why, and you know that the door is always open.

In fact, research shows that people with strong connection to others experience more happiness and increase your sense of belonging and purpose.

I am fortunate to have a couple of people who I hold dear to my heart, each I would call my best friend. I don’t think there is any unwritten rule that says you are only allowed one best friend.

Best friends stand the test of time.

These people have been by my side for over 30 years.  We have watched each other become the women we are today.  We had wild times in our twenties, went through relationship troubles in our thirties, in our forties we started dealing with the onset of health issues, and as we ease into our fifties, we appreciate and love each other with a vengeance.

I am blessed to have best friends in my life and I never take for granted the love and joy they bring to my life everyday just knowing they are there.

Happy National Best Friends Day!

Take a moment to tell your bestie how much they mean to you today.

What does your best friend mean to you?  How have they impacted your life? Do you have a BFF story?