This month, Ex Fabula returned to Lucille’s Piano Bar on Old World Third. A packed house enjoyed many variations on the theme of “Oops!” The always terrific team, Leah Delaney and Dasha Kelly, served as emcees for the evening, sharing serious and funny UltraShorts from the audience.

audience members with hands in the air

Packed house at Lucille’s! Photo by Art Montes.

First to the stage was Elaine Maly, who shared a story about her 3-year-old grandson whose difficulty learning to talk is an inconvenience at restaurants. Next, Bud Dumbro told a story of a door-to-door petition that was complicated by one unlucky error. Then, Deserae Constantineau recalled a high school experience of an embarrassing trek through the school’s hallways.

Man holding a microphone, telling a personal story.

Christian takes the stage. Photo by Art Montes.

After a brief break, we heard from three new tellers. Christian Matson-Alvirez’ story of an urban hike was complete with downpours, ruins, and an encounter that could have been from the Goonies. Nora Sachs told a story of a nurse’s error that quickly became family lore.  Sara Weinlein recounted getting her wisdom teeth pulled and how anesthesia creates really, really weird dreams.

The last part of the show began with a story from Peter May about a clumsy attempt to get a date while in college. Then came a full series of Oops from Rob McCuen. Last but not least, Jennifer Hoepner shared a story of serving in the Peace Corps in Africa. While she might not have been an “Ugly American,” she may have been clueless.

Smiling storyteller, pretending to empty a bucket.

Mirna and “el cubetazo”. Photo by Art Montes.

While votes were being tallied, the audience was treated to a Spanish-language story by guest storyteller Mirna Torres, which was interpreted into English by Megan McGee. Mirna took us to Mexico City with a tale of a really muddy cleaning bucket. The story was previously told at a StorySlam during Ex Fabula’s residency at the John Michael Kohler Arts Center, and Mirna was selected as Audience Favorite at that “Oops” themed event. After the comical tale, Jennifer Hoepner was announced as the audience favorite. Hooray for Jennifer!

Thank you to all of our storytellers and special guest for sharing your blunders, bloopers, and mistakes with us!  Thanks also to our sponsors, volunteers and members for making the work of Ex Fabula possible. We couldn’t do it without you!

2 emcees watch as a storyteller accepts her crown.

Jennifer is crowned. Photo by Art Montes.

Special shout our to our monthly event sponsor the Amazing Milwaukee Race and our Season sponsors, Transfer Pizzeria Café and BelAir Cantina. Thank you Lucile’s Piano Bar for being such a great host, and of course, we thank all of you for coming out to show your support. We look forward to seeing you at our next story slam in April!